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Q: DOES ROCK HOUSE SLIDERS FRANCHISE?At the moment, unfortunately not. But feel free to get hold of us at to register your interest.
Q: ARE YOU HALAL OR KOSHER?In the Middle East, all our meat is certified Halal. However, our Angus beef in USA is neither Halal nor Kosher currently.
Q: HOW VEGETARIAN IS VEGETARIAN FOR YOU GUYS?The Impossible™ slider is our current vegetarian offering. Grilled separately from our other sliders, it is a great patty made from plant proteins.
Q: DO YOU OFFER ANY VEGAN OPTIONS?At the moment, no. But we are looking into options for the future.
Q: PEANUTS ARE NOT MY BFF. WHAT IS SAFE TO EAT ON YOUR MENU?If you have a peanut allergy, most of our foods on our menu are safe to consume except for the Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake and our Red Lava Ice-cream which both contain nuts.
Q: WHAT GLUTEN-FREE OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE?We're working on gluten-free options, and these are coming soon!
Q: I LIKE YOUR VIBE AND WANT TO WORK FOR RHS. WHOM SHOULD I CONTACT?We are always on the lookout for upbeat, high-energy staff to work for us. Email to find out more.
Q: DOES RHS HAVE AN APP?Not yet, we're working on it.
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